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Archbishop Jenkins

Archbishop Keith Terrell Jenkins was born on September 8, 1962, in Clarksdale, Mississippi.  He moved to Minneapolis, Minnesota at the age of 12 years.  In 1981, Pastor Jenkins completed high school at West High in Minneapolis, and, during the same year, was united to Dollica Torrance, the First Lady of Open Door Evangelistic World Ministries.  God blessed their union with three wonderful children: Lekesha Shonte Jenkins, Sherrell Nicole Jenkins and Brian Keith Jenkins. They are all currently members of the church.

Archbishop Jenkins Timeline

  • 1981 – Pastor Jenkins became a member of the Shiloh Temple International Ministries (PAW) in Minneapolis under the pastorate of the late Mattie H. Smith.  Pastor and First Lady Jenkins were baptized in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ and received the baptism of the Holy Spirit.


  • 1982 – After serving in many capacities, Pastor Jenkins sensed the call to the Lord’s ministry and worked faithfully on the ministerial staff of the Shiloh Temple Church. 


  • 1984 (April) – Pastor Jenkins preached his first sermon on the subject “Repent-For the Kingdom of Heaven Is At Hand” from Matthew 4:12-17.  That same year Pastor Mattie H. Smith went home to be with the Lord, and Archbishop Richard D. Howell, Jr. became the pastor of Shiloh Temple Church. During the same year, Pastor Jenkins received fellowship papers as a minister in the Pentecostal Assemblies of the World (PAW), a proof that a young minister is in good standing with the local church and the PAW.  


  • 1987 (June) – with the blessing of Archbishop Richard Howell, Jr., Pastor Jenkins, along with his family, planted a church in the City of Minneapolis.  While spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ, Pastor Jenkins met the caretaker of Glenwood Apartments in North Minneapolis.  God placed it upon her heart to allow him to utilize the basement of the apartment building for a place of worship. 


  • 1998 (August) – Pastor Jenkins received his Ministerial License from the Pentecostal Assemblies of the World, Inc. (Minnesota, Wisconsin and Dakota Council).  Presiding was Archbishop Paul A. Bowers; Council Archbishop William Abney of Grand Rapids, Michigan, was diocesan bishop. 


  • Pastor Jenkins faithfully held services in the basement of the Glenwood Apartments with only four adults and three children. These faithful few began to pray, to seek God and to submit to the teachings of Pastor Jenkins. They praised God for the small blessings and, from that continual praise, the ministry grew. Soon the place of worship became too small for the growing congregation.


  • 1988 – Pastor Jenkins asked the saints to seek God for a larger building. By God’s grace and the dedication of the saints, the small church moved from the basement of the apartment building to a rented space at St. Mark’s Lutheran Church in North Minneapolis.


The faith of the church was tested and many obstacles faced the saints. Despite tribulations, they continued to give God all of the glory, honor, and praise; and the church doors remained open to embrace souls seeking salvation. These circumstances inspired the name of this blessed assembly: Open Door House of Prayer.


  • 1990 – by God’s grace, Open Door House of Prayer purchased a condemned office building located at 615 East 28th Street in South Minneapolis. A complete renovation was done over several years, and a beautiful sanctuary for worship was the manifestation of God’s goodness. However, the congregation quickly outgrew the renovated facility.


When the old office building collapsed due to the deteriorating structure, the congregation quickly began planning to build a new place of worship for God’s glory. 


  • 2000 (Fall) – While temporarily renting space at Messiah Lutheran Church and Christ’s Church (AG), the old office building was demolished and construction began for a new facility on the old landmark on 28th Street. 


  • 2001 (June) – on Pentecost Sunday, the first service was held in the new church. The name of the church was officially changed to Open Door Evangelistic World Ministries. To God Be the Glory!


Pastor Jenkins has always had a thirst for wisdom and knowledge. 


  • He attended Crown College, Spiritual Training Center and Fourth Baptist Bible School.

  • 1984 (February) – earned an Associate Degree in Data Processing, Hennepin Technical College, Minneapolis, MN.

  • 2001 (May) – received a Bachelor of Arts degree in Pastoral Studies, North Central University (AG) in Minneapolis, MN.

  • 2004 (June) – received a Master’s Degree in Christian Thought (Apologetics), Bethel Seminary, Saint Paul, MN. 


Throughout the years God’s favor has been with Pastor Jenkins and his ministry. God has given him opportunities to preach the Gospel throughout the world as a missionary and to build a network of pastors and friends in Asia, Africa, Europe, and throughout Central and North America, the Caribbean, doing mission work, preaching and teaching the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.


  • 2005 (October) – The Very Reverend Keith Terrell Jenkins was named Bishop Designate.

  • 2006 (October) – was consecrated to the sacred office of Bishop according to the Apostolic Succession at the Elim International Fellowship in Brooklyn, New York, by His Eminence, Archbishop Wilbert S. Mckinley, patriarch.  

  • 2006 (November) – Bishop Keith Terrell Jenkins was installed in his seat as Bishop at Open Door Evangelistic World Ministries.   

Archbishop Jenkins desires a church that is multicultural because he believes this is the will of God according to the prayer that Jesus prayed in John 17:22-23. His vision for Open Door Evangelistic World Ministries is to make a positive impact in the Twin Cities by creating a citywide family of worshippers in which ALL are welcome – a place where ALL INDIVIDUALS and FAMILIES can grow, flourish in faith and discover God’s plan for their lives.


Open Door Evangelistic World Ministries is a non-denominational charismatic church reaching the entire Twin Cities for Christ.


Our passion and mission at Open Door Evangelistic World Ministries is to advance the Gospel of Jesus Christ among people in culturally sensitive ways.

We are a spirit empowered, biblically grounded community of learning, growing, fellowship and worship.


We strive to develop and equip the whole man by teaching accuracy from the Bible, the Word of God, and by practicing and being living examples, so that each of our partners can become all they are to be and do all they are called to do in the world for the glory of God.

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